Solar Panel Installers & Solar Battery Storage

Tried & Tested products to harness & store energy from the sun via Solar PV Panels and Battery Storage

We design, supply, install, and commission bespoke solutions to suit you, enabling you to begin (or continue) your journey to green energy independence.

Solar PV installations consist of multiple solar panels being mounted to a roof (or garden) and connected to the electricity supply of your home. These panels generate a DC current, which travels through an inverter to convert it to an AC current for use in your electricity sockets. They can also be connected to solar batteries to store the energy for later use.

Solar Panel Battery Storage

Combine your solar PV system with solar battery storage to increase your savings, reduce your carbon footprint, and further secure your energy independence.

Monitor your solution at the touch of a fingertip, via an application on your smart portable device or on a laptop, allowing you to view, control and manage your energy use throughout the day. Your smart system can be combined with other smart devices and innovative energy tariffs, allowing you to minimise the cost of your energy use.

Get in touch today to find to arrange for our professional solar panel installers to visit your property.

Why Choose Solar PV Panels?

Solar PV panels are extremely environmentally friendly and do not produce greenhouse gases or CO2 emissions to produce energy. They’re low maintenance and require only one professional check per year in general to ensure that they run at their maximum efficiency.

Solar panels save you money from reduced energy costs. After the initial installation costs solar energy is completely free, and can often cover most or even all of your energy bills. Not only this, but due to the Smart Export Guarantee , you can get paid for the extra energy you sell back to the grid.

What If You Already Have Panels?

If you already have solar PV, but are looking to expand your renewable energy system and gain further energy independence – you’ve come to the right place! We offer individual storage options that can fit with any system that you might be running. 

Our friendly team of renewable energy experts will assess your system’s requirements and advise you on the best storage option available. We’ll then install them to the highest standards, in line with the MCS regulations and show you how to use your new found power.

Get in touch with a member of our team today to discuss your system’s unique requirements.

Solar PV Installers at Team Renewables

The products we offer you are tried, tested, and guaranteed to save you, your pocket, and the planet.

We work with a wide and diverse range of clients, from homeowners, landlords, housebuilders, commercial & industrial developers, social housing providers, councils and housing associations, public sector bodies, through to commercial and industrial business owners, not forgetting our occasional help of other colleagues in the solar industry & solar farm EPC contractors.

Get in touch with one of our solar PV installers to see how we can help you achieve energy independence today.

What Is Solar Battery Storage?

A solar battery is a battery that stores energy from a solar PV system. The system’s panels absorb energy from the sun and convert it to electricity which then passes through the inverter for your home to use.

Adding a battery to your current or planned solar PV system lets you capture any excess electricity generated by your panels so you can use it at a later time. For example, you can store the electricity your solar panels generate during the day and use it in the evenings when your panels are no longer generating any electricity.

A solar PV system that does not use battery storage, will generally export any excess generated electricity back to the grid. In the evenings, for example, you would then be importing and paying for electricity from the grid to support the requirements of your household.

What Are The Advantages of Solar Battery Storage?

If you have solar PV panels, or are planning to install them, then adding a battery or even multiple batteries in some cases, will help you to maximise the amount of renewable energy you use.

Home-energy storage will also reduce the electricity you use from the grid, therefore reducing the bill from your supplier. If your home is off-grid, it can help to reduce your use of fossil fuel back-up generators.

If you’re at home during the day and already use a large proportion of the electricity you generate from your existing system, or divert surplus electricity to heat your water (for example), then a battery may not be right for you.

If you’re claiming a Smart Export Guarantee tariff, you’ll receive a payment for every unit of electricity you export. The price you are paid for each unit of electricity you export to the grid is generally much lower than the price you would pay your supplier for electricity. So, including a battery as part of your system could potentially help you make significant savings on your bills, as you are storing and using your own excess electricity.

The battery isn’t all about what you generate yourself, either. If you’re on a flexible ‘time-of-use’ energy tariff, with cheaper electricity overnight for example, you can charge the battery at cheaper times from the grid and use it to power your house during more expensive hours when you are not generating enough from your panels to support the demand in the house.

What Is the Difference Between Solar Panel and Solar PV?

The term ‘solar panel’ can often be used interchangeably to describe panels that generate electricity (solar PV) or those that generate heat for hot water (solar thermal). Solar PV stands for ‘solar photovoltaics’ and specifies panels that produce electricity. 

Solar PV can last much longer when compared to solar thermal, with a lifespan of up to 50 years compared to solar thermal’s 25 years. While solar PV has higher installation costs as it requires more panels, it has lower maintenance costs. Solar PV also functions as a multi-purpose solution that can power your entire home instead of just heating up your water. Solar PV is also much more durable, and is less affected by cold weather conditions.